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How Reiki works with the body.

May 30, 2023

Reiki is a hands on ancient natural healing technique used to bring peace and harmony to the body, mind and spirit. Providing feelings of comfort, security and joy to the receiver, Reiki is a powerful energy healing modality that releases trauma on all levels of your be-ing.

Reiki is a form of energy healing and supports the body’s natural ability to heal itself, by shifting the blockages within your energetic field it empowers you to take the next step forward for your highest good with ease and grace. When treated with Reiki you are brought back to a state of unity with all, balancing your whole energetic be-ing.

The practice of Reiki works by connecting with the Universal Spirit of life – Life Energy, the flow of this energy within us is what keeps us alive. For many this flow is uneven within our energy bodies due to stress, unhealthy diet and generally placing to many demands on ourselves, it is upmost importance to bring this flow of energy into alignment if you want to live a happy vibrant life.

Donna Healy –

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How Reiki works with the body.

Reiki is a hands on ancient natural healing technique used to bring peace a...

May 30, 2023